
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's finished!

Well, that's it, it's all over. After 2 1/2 days of constant reading and child/house neglecting, I've finished the last Harry Potter book (since I know that all of you are oh so interested in my reading of Harry Potter.) I'm sad, but I'm at peace. It's like I'm talking about the death of a relative or something. It really was a fantastic read, and a little bit of an emotional roller coaster. Last night as I was finishing the last half of the book, hubby was totally asleep, and every now and then, he would roll over ask,"So how is Harry doing?" At one point I said worriedly, "it's not looking too good." For those of you that are actually going to read the book, I won't be a spoiler. But it was just perfect. All questions were answered. All loose ends tied up nice and tidy. I loved it! Highly recommended. Now, on to the wait for the third book in the "Twilight" series. Good thing it doesn't come out for a few weeks--I need to get some sleep. Hopefully now I can put all talk of Harry behind me. But most likely not, as I find myself asking everyone I know if they've read it yet so I can talk to them about it. Today, when T came home from work he asked how life was post-Harry Potter. I think he's happy to have me back. Happy reading!


Jen Tornow said...

I'm glad to know that someone else out there gets into books as bad I do! Derrick hates when I start a book, because he knows it will be days before I come to the surface again! I wish I was a fast reader, but I'm not, so that makes it worse! I'm glad you were happy with the ending! I've heard about those Twilight books from several people, I guess I'll have to put them on my list!

Rachel said...

I can't remember if I read the sixth book or not. I need to get on line and figure it out. My sister in law just gave me the new one and I'm dying to read it, but not until I remember what book six was all about.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to read #6 again before I read #7 (so I can be more excited). I used to get through them in a day or two! Glad to hear all the loose ends are tied up. Totally bugs me when we are left hanging! I've only heard of the Twilight Series from you and your fellow bloggers. Worth the read? I need something after Harry Potter - I am so sad it is at an end!

Devon said...

It's good to hear you are as crazy as I am. Milt and McKinley were out of town all weekend, so only Kennedy was aware of being neglected as I hurried to finish no. 7. I felt really guilty for reading it on Sunday, but I was almost finished and I couldn't put it down! Oh, well. I'll be a better visiting teacher this month or something to make up for it. That is how it works, right? I'm excited for the third Twilight book too. I have it coming straight from Amazon, and then I'll probably be a MIA Mommy for a day or so until it's done! My Mom just finished the second New Moon, and she was SOBBING during the first half (I thought it was pretty funny seeing how into it she got.) I had to keep telling her that it was just a story, not real life. Annie, I wish you lived closer so we could all do a book club. It sounds like we'd have a bunch of people to come! Happy reading!

Layne & Kellie said...

Finally someone like me. I pushed the book... I have spent the last day or so cleaning because I really let everything go. I read the sixth book over the weekend and then read the final book. I thought it was fantastic final book!! Layne doesn't really get into it but he is probably glad that I am done so I can come out of the hole of reading! ;)

Abby said...

Your hubby is great bc this is a big deal. My sister called me almost crying and "just needed someone to talk to about it," so I let her tell me what happened (I'm one of those jerks who's never read any of the books but loves the movies). I remember she went through the same thing after the last book too. They need counseling for you people.

Johnson said...

Annie, I am with you. It has taken me a little bit longer to get through Harry #7 because I devoted so many nights up to Twilight and New Moon and also because I cheated and read the end of Harry Potter 7 just so I could know....just a little...anyways, I am looking forward to the new Twilight book and we'll have to compare notes!!!! I never thought that I would get into it!!!

Dottie Stay said...

I feel terrible that I have never gotten in to Harry Potter. I think that I am just doing it out of spite, because everyone is really in to the whole thing. I love to read. I guess I just need to break down and read them.

Mandy said...

I finished it on Monday, it was great! I actually heard Jk Rowlings during an interview say she was going to write a Harry Potter Encyclopedia that would answer even more questions about the book, but no release date...but at least something to look forward too. I can't wait for eclipse too! I am a total neglecter!!