
Friday, June 29, 2007

I can't sleep...

Probably due to the 2 1/2 glasses of Dr. Pepper coursing through my veins from dinner tonight. (That probably wasn't a good idea.) T and I went out on a date to Carrabbas and ate mass amounts of yummy food. It was nice to have dinner all by ourselves without having to force our kids to eat and break up fights. (Yes, that is what dinner is like at our house every night of the week.) And the creme brulee wasn't too bad either! We have to take advantage of having family watch our kids all the chances we can get, right? right.
But all this vacationing is taking its toll... I mean, who in their right mind can diet while on vacation? I sure can't. And for some reason, part of vacationing for me is doing a lot of shopping. Who can resist spending 3.74 on little girl shirts at the Gap? Not me. (And I assure you, my total shopping experience didn't cost me 3.74...I had to stock up, right?)
So, in short, I'm probably gaining weight (not quite sure, because I refuse to step on the scale until I get home to my own house...aaaah, denial), I'm running out of money, and I'm not getting enough sleep! Good thing we leave Tuesday! :)


Johnson said...

I agree. Take advantage of having family around while you can. I bet it was nice to get out alone. I never realize how nice it is until about ten minutes before we are heading home and I realize how nice it was to not have to panic every two seconds about where the kids had run off too and what kind of mess and noise the kids are making. I bet you have had fun on vacation, but it is always nice to get home. Just to make you feel better, I am not on vacation and I am overeating and I have permanently put the scale in the closet!!!!!

Jen Tornow said...

Have you ever tried Carrabbas Sogno de Chocolate (I'm sure that spelling is wrong!) dessert? It is THE YUMMIEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD!! If I could have one dessert forever, that would be it!

Jen Tornow said...

Oh, and yeah, if it makes you feel better, Annie, I gained 10 pounds in the last month. How in the HECK does that happen? I haven't changed my diet THAT much!

Jen Tornow said...

Hey Annie (yes, I realize this is comment number 3...sorry!) I just saw your comment on MElinda's blog about gynormous hotdogs. I have only heard the word "gynormous" from one other person. Kimball Glazier. Any relation? Ha ha! It must run in the family.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Carrabbas and a date night! I also have a tendency to shop on vacation. I love to shop and I definitely can't pass up a good deal, even if that means stocking up for years ahead. :)

Anonymous said...

Yum Carrabbas! We eat like crazy on our trips to Utah too! We have to get our fill of our favorites = Mexican Food! Canada doesn't have it! At Christmas we fill a punch card at Cafe Rio and we must get taquitos at El Azteca. We also shop like crazy! We make the mistake of being there for Nordstroms half yearly sales - very bad!!!

jennie said...

The only other person I have heard use the word ginormous was Will Farrell on "ELF". I love that movie, and I'm glad you use that word. I got mocked openly at Sunday dinner for using that word. I didn't know it wasn't real.

Dottie Stay said...

Not good that you are leaving on Tuesday!! I am sad. We have had lots of fun!! I think I laugh harder with all of my high school friends then I ever do. I say you for sure have to take advantage of a good sale, and also, take advantage of the good food and date nights.

Rachel said...

I really am so bummed that you guys are leaving. When do you get to come back? I guess maybe we do need to look into moving down South, though I'm not fond of the cockroach idea, nor the humididty, nor the hurricaines. I would love a big house for really cheap though! Thanks for letting me tag along at the reunion last night. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

Annie - I just saw some reunion pictures and you are absolutely gorgeous! How do you do it? Hope you had a safe trip home.