
Monday, November 5, 2007

My Personal Best Blonde Moment

I just need to preface this by telling myself that we all do dumb things...right? Or am I the only one?! Well, I was out running errands today. And I needed to run to the bank to deposit some checks. After that, I circled around to the ATM to pull out my bi-weekly grocery allotment. (I should have just done it while I was in the regular line! Hindsight is always 20/20.) Trevor's out of town for a few days, so I had called him on the phone with a question. So, I was somewhat distracted when I was at the ATM. I put in my debit card, entered the pin number, then the amount, told it I wanted a receipt, etc. etc. Then I took my card, and my receipt, and DROVE OFF! That's right, I drove off without taking my money. I just kept on talking to Trevor on the phone and drove away. Well, I was several blocks away when I realized my mistake, and shrieked into the phone, "Oh, shoot! I have to turn around! I'll call you back!!" All the way back to the bank, I was praying that no one had been to the ATM behind me and taken my money. I get back to the bank and another car is pulling up to the ATM. I jumped out of my car and flagged the lady down to try and tell her what I was doing. She probably thought I was some lunatic trying to hold her up or something. Well I see my money sticking out of the ATM, which I immediately grab. (Don't worry, the lady hadn't even put her card in yet.) But, the problem was, the money that was there did not equal the amount that I had asked for. But I knew that if someone had stolen my money, they would have stolen the entire amount. But the machine was clicking like it was still trying to spit the rest of the money out, and it was jammed or something. Well, the lady drove off without using the machine. Another car pulled up, and I told the man what had happened to me. He proceeded to use the ATM, and only got $60 of the $100 he had asked for. So, now we know for sure that the ATM is broken. Well, I get one of the teller's attention, and she tells me that someone had been there to fix the ATM this morning, but it must not be fixed yet. Nice. Could you put up a Out of Order sign or something? Sheesh! The teller then proceeds to tell me that she can't help me because she doesn't deal with ATM problems. I have to call the 1-800 number on the back of my debit card and they will resolve the problem in a few days. Meanwhile, I'm still freaking out in my mind because I had driven off...what if someone HAD taken my money? What if when they investigate my claim, and they check the records of the ATM it says that it gave me all my money? Then what? I guess I'll be out of a couple hundred dollars, and I will be one sad girl.
Moral of the NOT talk on the phone while operating an ATM machine!!! Now I'm not the only one that has "blonde" moments, right? I want to hear your's!! (Hey Molly, I stole the picture from your was fitting for the subject matter, don't you think?)


Ace said...

Annie--no worries. They should be able to work it out for you. Especially if you let them know about the man behind you who only got part of his money.

And, no, you're not the only one having blonde moments. I had several this last weekend. One of which involved me backing into my date's car. Yep. That's right. I backed into my date's car.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the ATM mishap! You are SO not alone in blonde moments! Even though my hair has darkened - I still have crazy blonde moments. I forget to take the keys out of our front door. When Jeff comes home from work he finds them and just shakes his head. Good thing we don't live in a scary neighborhood.

jennie said...

Love it. So glad noone took your money!!

Rachel said...

I can see me doing the same thing! My worst blonde moment was last year when Kamryn was in the hospital for an abcess on her tonsil. One night I totally WALKED in my sleep and went out and TALKED to the nurse (in my sleep, making no sense.) I'm sure she thought I was crazy as she escorted me back to Kamryn's room and put me back in bed. By then I was awake enough to know what had just taken place and I was so embarrassed I thought I was going to DIE!!!

Natalie said...

Oh don't you hate when they tell you to call the number on the back of your card! I've had them tell me the same thing. hmm.... a blonde moment, I'm not saying I have not had any of course, but can't seem to think of any at this moment. If I do, I'll be sure to comment again:)

Abby said...

In high school I asked my mom why stores needed to raise money for MS, and she said, "For research." Then, in a moment of absolute stupidity, I said, "How much does it cost to go to the library and look it up?!" As soon as I said it I knew--and blushed...but it was too late, my family makes fun of me to this day. I think my mom has even tried sending it to Reader's Digest!
I could tell so many "blonde moment" stories...

Dottie Stay said...

Um, I'm not even blonde, and I don't want to start to tell you the stupid things I have done. I am mocked constantly in my family! Loved the story! I am sure that the ATM was broken...NO worries!

Sharlynn said...

I am glad that no one had taken your money. Well, what was there anyway. i can only imagine how you felt. Now you know you will have to update us all later on the ending of your story. I have blonde moments all the time even though I am not blonde. The problem is I really should be a blonde because I can't remember any of those moments right now.

Megan said...

Man! That would be stressful! The other day I was talking to Matt on my cell phone while rumaging through my purse trying to find my cell phone! I was so frustrated :)

Johnson said...

Oh, Annie..I hope it all turns out okay. I have blonde moments every day of my life. My dad refers to me as his little blonde. He always has a blonde joke for me which he usually has to explain to me. I have many blonde moments but one that I can't live down is when I went to Titanic with my sisters and before the movie started I leaned over to as what the movie was about. My sister said, "Um, the Titanic". and I said, "Duh, I got that from the title, but what is it about?" and she said, "You know the ship that sinks in the ocean." And I got all mad and said, "Thanks a lot for ruining the ending for me." I thought my sisters were going to die. I seriously had never heard of the Titanic. I am convinced I missed it in school in our move over to Norway. I was so devistated after I watched that movie. I cried all night long. I had no idea that had ever happened!!!

Jen said...

Annie! I'm sorry! I hate when those things happen to me... and don't worry-- they happen often! I hope it gets resolved. We will need at ATM update!

Jen Tornow said...

A few years ago I was at work, and I was listening to a long message my mom had left me on my mobile phone. Well, I forgot that it was actually a message, and I start trying to ask my mom a question, and she wouldn't answer it, so I got totally frustrated and was practically yelling at her trying to get her to answer my question. This seriously went on for a good 30-45 seconds before I realized why she wasn't paying attention to me! I'm such an idiot! Be sure to update us on the ATM story. Don't you love that you get to spend hours of YOUR time on the phone trying to work out THEIR problem?

Mandy said...

That is too funny! I have had many blonde moments ! I am so glad you still got your money!

malia said...

Oh that stinks, Annie! I'm sorry. Seriously, what a pain! I think we all have moments like that all of the time so don't be too hard on yourself. And what a pain about the bank not being able to help you. That is not cool at all! How annoying. I hope you get all your money!

Annie said...

I finally got credited yesterday for the missing money! Those stinkers just take their sweet time. Grr.